
Safety Tips

Please be aware that is free to use and that anyone is welcome to sign up. Always use caution while meeting new individuals online. We use various techniques to spot scammers, but we can't guarantee that you won't ever come into contact with one. This doesn't mean that everyone on our site is bad; rather, it just means that to have fun, certain simple rules must be obeyed.

  • Never reply to anyone who sends you a (first) message containing their phone number, email address, or other kinds of contact information. Instead, report it.
  • Never give money to anyone you don not know; instead, report them. NEVER send them money.
  • When sharing information, be cautious. First build trust, before share your personal contact details.
  • If a person is never ready to make a video call or meet you in real life, this is a red flag.
  • If you have started a relationship with a person from a poor Country, it is ok to help them with some money, but if the person is often asking for more or they often tell you some stories to get more money from you, be aware. That could be romantic scam.
  • We recommend, to never make erotic video calls or send erotic pictures. These videos and photos can be make public and can be used to blackmail you.
  • Before visiting another country, be sure, you have all necessary (security) informations.
  • You can use our community to connect with other people and share your experiences and opinions.

If you keep to these points, you should have a good time here and we wish you good luck on finding your true love.

Also find more informations about scamming here:

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